It speaks volumes to say that LulzSec is willing to put aside their seeming "torch the world via exploits one large company at a time" to back Sega and their holdings. Their reasoning? Well, perhaps their tweet best says it:
They love the Dreamcast. Now that's a whole 'nother can of worms that I would love to discuss with anyone. I'm sure @KevinisSpiderman and @Oxynerd would happily join in on my side, as well as most of LulzSec when I say Dreamcast owns. But that's neither her nor there...
The side point that I would like to make, for those of you who read my previous blog, web security is a must. Outside of the fanboy (right on LulzSec!) love for the Dreamcast, loyalty does not exist. Imagine if money was involved? Loyalty goes right out the window (I'm assuming the same could be said for an endearing love of a game system, but I'm not one hundred percent positive). LulzSec even went as far as setting up a hotline asking for people to make requests for their next targets.
No me personally, I'm not a fan of the senseless hacking by LulzSec, however, they are making an extreme point. Security, across the board (you can ask Nintendo, EVE Online, Playstation, Escapist Magazine, PBS, and more) needs to be ramped up. If these corporations insist on keeping our data, they need to find a better way to protect it. It's pretty simple. Lemme try this again, for those of you out there not listening: PROTECT OUR DATA!
And to LulzSec, keep up the good work, the holes exist, and people need to know why...and Dreamcast Rocks!
Currently Playing: Bad Meets Evil - Lighters (featuring Bruno Mars)
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