Sunday, September 18, 2011

x86computing...currently and going forward...

  So an appropriate update, I think, to let you guys know where x86computing is currently, and where, if anywhere, it's going...
  So if you don't know already, I moved to Kentucky to be with my kids. Obviously with any move, it takes a while to get your legs back under you. However, this move has not been quite as kind as I would have liked. I have been left relatively broke. The good news is I just started a job last week, so hopefully it won't take long for me to get myself back up on my feet.
  With that being said, if you need help, or you know anyone that needs help, please feel free to email me or call. I look to have Skype up on a regular basis here soon (again) so I can assist you in that way as well.
  It looks like the "future" of this project isn't a dead one. At least I'd prefer it not to be a dead one. I'd love to start serving this members of the community I currently reside in as well as assist those from the community I come from. Obviously, any hands on work would be a little difficult, but I will be visiting from time to time and I'd happily stop by and take a look at any issues.
  With that being said, I'm gonna throw this little button up. If I've helped you, or you are just a nice soul, feel free to use it. It is a donate button that goes straight to my paypal. No limits, no worries. I know we are all strapped. However, if I've ever helped you and you are interested in paying in forward, somewhat, feel free to use this donate button here:

  You have no idea how much you guys means to me! Good luck to everyone, and feel free to contact me about anything.

x_SegaCD_x Project (Part 3)

  Just in case you have been dying to know what's been going on with this, here's an update. Given the move, I didn't have the time to work on it. I returned one to PittsLawMan and kept the other for myself, as agreed. However, it didn't make the journey with me to Kentucky, so this project has been suspended indefinitely. I really hope to get it up and going one day, but it looks like that's gonna take a little time...